Stress relieving water massage

This technique sums the soothing effect of warm water and massotherapy to more effectively combat stress and fear, communicate confidence and induce surrender. The loosening of muscular tension produces a rapid, deep-seated relaxation. Relaxed chest muscles and the dampness of the air make breathing easier, even for patients afflicted by asthma.
Warm water reduces the perception of pain to the point of eradication. When immerged in warm water we are aware of a pleasant sense of relief and weightlessness, as hydrostatic thrust cooperates with the massage therapist to keep us afloat. Sensorial stimulation generated by slow, passive motion, tactile contact, heat and proprioception effectively blocks the spinal relays of pain, on the one hand, and stimulates the spontaneous secretion of endorphins, potent natural analgesics. Ten minutes of warm water massage are sufficient to produce a state of deep, intense relaxation that liberates the mind from all rational thoughts and concerns, opening it to positive emotions. This extremely agreeable experience is a perfect preliminary to a high-performance stress-relieving massage, which, if practiced right after, is propitiated by the absence of tension, pain and cramps symptomatic of defense mechanisms. The subsequent straightening and elongation of the spinal column is particularly beneficial to the discs between the vertebrae.
Various manual procedures are used to elongate and straighten the spinal column, resulting in better posture and bearing, and at times and increase in height of up to 3-4 cm.

This practice is taught in "basic training courses" conducted in warm water pools.